Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Search

I found myself researching business ideas until 6am today!  Not a good way to keep on a "normal" schedule but I couldn't help myself because I found a free ebook that described so many different low cost business opportunities that I couldn't stop reading it.  It is on the sticky note to the right of the resource page.  Some of his ideas were really zaney (renting plants) and others (massage therapy) required a license that I don't have.  Still, I kept reading all 80+ pages because it was better than anything else I had read in the three months I've been out of work.

  I've been selling off my educational books on Amazon and I absolutely love waking up to new sales! The free e-book listed some places where I could get discounted close-out books.  I checked into them, but I need to be the most competitive on Amazon in order to make the sales.  The best source I found required an investment of $7500 as a minimum.  I haven't given up on the idea but I'm going to have to find another way to make  that kind of money before I try an investment like that.

At the back of the book there were two more websites with even more ideas.  I couldn't get through all of it last night so I woke up to look at

The website listed a re-sale opportunity I hadn't thought of yet.  Wedding dresses!   I decided to actually make an investment today and try to buy something to re-sell.  I went to my favorite thrift store looking for some wedding dresses.  No white gowns today but I spent $5 on  3 party dresses and 2 pairs of pants.  If I get $5 for each item, I will have made 500%.  I'm starting small but hoping I can get a feel for what will sell quickly and grow from there.

Well off to work!

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