Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Great Friday

I think I need to sleep less.  On Friday's I don't do any cold calls, its my gift to myself.  I reserve Friday's for networking with other business owners and I usually start my day at my favorite networking group.  Today included a great lesson about connecting with others. 

I spent some time with my kids, answering emails, and donating one of my teeth whitening services to an upcoming networking event.  I had just enough time to set up my mailchip banner and then it was time to go!  I spent the evening with others I have met at various events at a concert.  Cool Fred E and the Gang did a stand up job singing a variety of genres.  I was dancing by the end of the night.

When I returned, I completed my very first newsletter to everyone I have ever contacted regarding insurance.  I've been contemplating sending out a newsletter, but I wasn't sure what kind of content I should include.  A local marketing coach warned me that insurance was boring, so I shouldn't talk about it or send any information about it.

I finally realized that I already have great material that I've written that would be interesting to business owners and families.  I added my already made content and using the tips I learned from Morgane Rae, I designed my first newletter.  At 1:35am I sent it out to nearly 400 people.

At 2:00am 4 people had opened it already.  None of them clicked through to my articles, but none of them had requested to be removed from the list either:)  20 emails hard bounced (they were completely undeliverable, and 6 soft bounced (but my server will keep trying to send it.)

I mentioned that 1 person who likes my business page on facebook would win a ticket to a great marketing class.  I listed out the class topics, and linked to the person teaching the class.  She just happens to be a member of my networking group and offered us "buy one get one free" tickets.  I bought mine, and then offered the 2nd for my facebook fans.  I got the idea from a hub.

None of the four people who opened my newsletter have "liked" my page yet, but I did get two new people today.  Before  I left for the concert, I emailed everyone I met networking and offered the same deal.  Two people liked it...I think one actually created a facebook page for the first time, just to like my page!

Ok its after 3am now..and I have to go to a class tomorrow...all about extreme couponing.  I wrote a story about the class and I'm pretty sure I'm going to do a follow-up.

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