Monday, August 22, 2011

More on Coaching

The comments I received from the lady who's letter I answered have really resonated inside me.  In her thank you note, she let me know that she felt like a more empowered parent.  Wow, I was able to encourage a stressed out woman with one little email and make her feel empowered.  Now that is a feeling I want to carry with me for a very long while.  It is even better than the feeling I got from saving a woman $400/mnth on her insurance premiums..

I've taken another step toward the coaching practice and I've decided that I have nothing to lose by adding it to my collection of income sources.  I've enrolled in a course which is forcing me to look at my own abilities and encourage myself to make a difference for others.  I'm already encouraged because a coach "does not need to know more than their client."  Coaches ask the right questions that lead he client to discovering their own answers.  Finding your own answer is essential to feeling empowered.

In my assignments, I've been asked to list niches and here is what I've come up with so far:

overwhelmed teachers
parents of rambunctious children
parents of twins
parents of dyslexic children
gay and lesbian parents
recently enlightened parents
Professionals in the closet

I listed these out because I have lived all of those lives.  Another part of the assignment was to name my practice.  Recently my own coach Ronald Wilsher has taught me to own my name because no one else can be me.  I have owned up to all of my businesses and I'm adding another at my .com site.  So, I am thinking that I don't really need a name for my practice, just a byline...something like Brenda Trott, Empowering You. Catchy?

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