Thursday, November 17, 2011

21 Days of Journaling Day 8 How Much Do You Love Yourself?

These topics get more difficult each day! The directions on this one said to list it as a number between 1 and 10. My gut reaction was to say 7. Now I have to figure out how to defend that number.

Although the other day I said I had no regrets in the last 3 years, I can't say that about my entire life. I've overlooked things about myself and I made choices that I wish I didn't.  However, I am soooo happy with what I have in this life so far.  Maybe I don't have regrets after all.  I have a lot of life experience that I can use to help others.  If I had made different choices in the past, I'm not sure I would love myself any more now.  I think the more I get to know me, the more I can love me:)

21 Days of Journaling Day 6 What is the Most Important Thing You’ve Learned in Life So Far?

It really takes a lifetime to learn this one but every once in a while a feel a glimmer of freedom when I "get it." The most important lesson I've learned is that it is ok to be authentically me.  I'm not going to make friends with everyone who crosses my path but that is ok.  I don't need to win every argument, and I don't need to make up my mind on the fly.

Being authentically me means that I can have my own opinions whether they are popular and pc or not.  It means that I can have my own sence of humor, and enjoy a movie that someone else finds distasteful.

Being authentically me does not mean I am original in everything I do. In fact, it is very fun, to find out what I have in common with others.  Sometimes it is only the fact that I enjoy raw cookie dough:)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

21 Days of Journaling Day 6 What Frustrates You?

In all honesty my partner frustrates me the most.  I don't like being knocked down and when I explain in words what I mean it is often met with sarcasm. I'm often frustrated with myself for staying involved. I think it is just easier than breaking it off. So in the end, I frustrate myself by no doing what I want to do.   

21 Days of Journaling Day 5 Who is the most important person to you in the world?

Reflection on Day 4:
The person who is emailing this challenge to me every day posted this in my email. Hopefully the links will stay put so you can find them yourself.  I thought the advice to their former self were well written so I am reposting them:

  1. Do what you’re doing now. You’re absolutely on the right track.
  2. Follow your heart and trust your gut instincts as you always have. It has never steered you wrong, and it will continue to bring you to the right place.
  3. Nothing has ever happened for you to lose faith, so there’s no reason to have doubts in anything.
  4. If there’s ever any one who is a cancerous agent to your path, let him/her go. There are 7 billion people in this world – For anyone who doesn’t resonate with your current consciousness, there will be ten thousands of people out there who do.
  5. Live. Love. Breathe.
Day 5

I can't, no, I refuse to answer this.  The truth is that the only person I am in charge of is me. But me includes everyone I have any type of relationship with. So everyone I know is really a part of me and is therefore equally as important. There just isn't a most important person, just as I don't love any of my kids more than another.

21 Days of Journaling Day 4 If you are travel back in time what advice would you give yourself 3 years ago.

I look at this one this morning and I couldn't respond right away. After some thought, I decided I didn't really have any advice. 3 years ago I got serious about getting rid of debt, and everything I have done since is really without regret.  Except in two areas. One I can't journal about and the other is "Don't get the air conditioner from someone who posts on Craigslist."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

21 Days of Journaling Day 3 What is your ideal diet like?

Reflection on Day 2:  I'm thinking that I might enjoy writing some units of study for multi-age groups like home-schoolers. I could list lesson plans on my website for free and then compile them into units with extra dudads.  It is definitely worth considering because there are loads of home schoolers out there that would at least give me some traffic to my blog.  Hmmm...

Day 3 

After the first two topics, this one seems out of place.  I guess the word I would use would be balanced.  I would like a balance of red meat and fish. I love barbecued and broiled everything like shish-ka-bobs. I can almost taste the cherry tomatoes on the skewer now.  I would also want to eat ripe avocado every morning.  I really need to get an avocado tree.  I wonder if there will be room in the budget when I win the million.

At least once week I want to go to one of those restaurants where you get a 7 courses  of tiny samples.  I went to one once and it was like art in my mouth.  Yes, that is definitely something I want to experience more often.

21 Days of Journaling Day 2 If You Are To Do Something For Free For the Rest of Your Life, What Would It Be?

I had to think a little bit about this one. I thought maybe I would say work with parents, or play with babies all day but the truth is I would run a 1 room school house.  The only place I know that these even exist anymore is in Montana and that is way too cold of a place for me to return.

I looked up one room school houses here in TX and they disappeared a long time ago.  The first one ever built in Ely, NV was sold at auction right in front of my eyes.

Yep, that's what I would do, I would run a 1 room school house.   Loads of fun all ages learning the same subject and responding at different levels.  Not sure how to fulfill that dream...maybe a workshop?

21 Days of Journaling Day 1 What Would I Do With a Million Dollars?

I'm not sure how I got on the list but 9 days ago I started getting these emails inviting me to blog once a day for 21 days. It promises to align me with my inner self, grow me as a writer and give me mental clarity. I'm up to writing 3 articles a day but none of them have been here or in a journal.  I remember how good it felt to put all of my thoughts on this blog before, so I'm willing to give it another shot.

I'm a bit behind so I might have to double up in order to finish with the rest of the group. The rules are simple, write from the heart with no minimum or maximum.

What would I do with a million dollars?

I've actually thought of this one often.  The first thing I would do is pay off the homes of both of my parents. Then I would fix my own house so it was presentable. I'd get a mold abatement team out hear, have someone clean up the fallen tree in the backyard, add carpeting to my cement floors, and maybe, if it didn't cost too much, I'd replace the broken cabinets in the kitchen.

That would give me about $500k left over (not sure what my parents owe )  I'm finally old enough to buy an instant annuity and that is just enough to give me about $2k per month for the rest of my life.  That would allow me to breathe.

This is where things get fun.  I would continue to write and coach but I would do a lot of charity work.  I left word at a local organization that I wanted to teach parenting classes and they were interested but they never got back to me.  I need to act on that right away. Why wait until I win the million?

Monday, August 22, 2011

More on Coaching

The comments I received from the lady who's letter I answered have really resonated inside me.  In her thank you note, she let me know that she felt like a more empowered parent.  Wow, I was able to encourage a stressed out woman with one little email and make her feel empowered.  Now that is a feeling I want to carry with me for a very long while.  It is even better than the feeling I got from saving a woman $400/mnth on her insurance premiums..

I've taken another step toward the coaching practice and I've decided that I have nothing to lose by adding it to my collection of income sources.  I've enrolled in a course which is forcing me to look at my own abilities and encourage myself to make a difference for others.  I'm already encouraged because a coach "does not need to know more than their client."  Coaches ask the right questions that lead he client to discovering their own answers.  Finding your own answer is essential to feeling empowered.

In my assignments, I've been asked to list niches and here is what I've come up with so far:

overwhelmed teachers
parents of rambunctious children
parents of twins
parents of dyslexic children
gay and lesbian parents
recently enlightened parents
Professionals in the closet

I listed these out because I have lived all of those lives.  Another part of the assignment was to name my practice.  Recently my own coach Ronald Wilsher has taught me to own my name because no one else can be me.  I have owned up to all of my businesses and I'm adding another at my .com site.  So, I am thinking that I don't really need a name for my practice, just a byline...something like Brenda Trott, Empowering You. Catchy?

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Keep Your Kids From Nagging-at the Discount Store

What keeps resonating in my head lately is "Follow your bliss and the money will follow." According to the masses of Google, the person to credit the first half of the quote is credited to the mythologist, Joseph Campbell. The rest evolved over time.

In following my bliss, I have been finding more and more opportunities to write but recently a response to an article has nudged me back to the parental coaching idea. I listed her letter and my response to her in this Hubpages article. How to Keep Your Kids From Nagging-at the Discount Store

I am looking for more opportunities to start a video course of some sort so I can help more parents like her. I don't really know where to start, but I know there are parents out there hungry to hear from people like me. I'll keep following my bliss and wait for the doors of abundance to follow.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Getting Multiple Streams of Income..

I've gotten a nice chunk of pocket change so far from this place called youdata.  This widget selects and commercials based on your profile and pays you to read ads or watch commercials.  I wrote a blog about here. ..Hey if you sign up, please use my referral code: brendatrott:)

But that is just small change. If you really want to know about making money, join my Group-E list.  I send out stuff about making money in your sleep all the time.  For example, how I write books and sell them on Amazon. How to interview someone and sell the interview.  How to make money reading other people's books...pretty much when I figure out how to make a residual income, I let you know.  Go ahead and join my Group-E List.  You can even respond to my emails..I love hearing what you have to say!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Make a Thirty Second Mousse

How to Make a Thirty Second Mousse

I found that my desert posts get the most traffic, so I made another 30 second recipe...I'm gonna have to think of a lot more like this! Wish I could sell that insurance in 30 seconds!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dry Eyes? You Might Need Eyelash Shampoo

Dry Eyes? You Might Need Eyelash Shampoo I went to the eye doctor and they recommended this!

I've been busy networking and writing my book about coupons. I partnered with an awesome woman named Sara Hailey.

We recently got a pool so now I am in debt..we have thirty days to pay of 2.000. My it is huge and I'm actually swimming laps in it every day!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Great Friday

I think I need to sleep less.  On Friday's I don't do any cold calls, its my gift to myself.  I reserve Friday's for networking with other business owners and I usually start my day at my favorite networking group.  Today included a great lesson about connecting with others. 

I spent some time with my kids, answering emails, and donating one of my teeth whitening services to an upcoming networking event.  I had just enough time to set up my mailchip banner and then it was time to go!  I spent the evening with others I have met at various events at a concert.  Cool Fred E and the Gang did a stand up job singing a variety of genres.  I was dancing by the end of the night.

When I returned, I completed my very first newsletter to everyone I have ever contacted regarding insurance.  I've been contemplating sending out a newsletter, but I wasn't sure what kind of content I should include.  A local marketing coach warned me that insurance was boring, so I shouldn't talk about it or send any information about it.

I finally realized that I already have great material that I've written that would be interesting to business owners and families.  I added my already made content and using the tips I learned from Morgane Rae, I designed my first newletter.  At 1:35am I sent it out to nearly 400 people.

At 2:00am 4 people had opened it already.  None of them clicked through to my articles, but none of them had requested to be removed from the list either:)  20 emails hard bounced (they were completely undeliverable, and 6 soft bounced (but my server will keep trying to send it.)

I mentioned that 1 person who likes my business page on facebook would win a ticket to a great marketing class.  I listed out the class topics, and linked to the person teaching the class.  She just happens to be a member of my networking group and offered us "buy one get one free" tickets.  I bought mine, and then offered the 2nd for my facebook fans.  I got the idea from a hub.

None of the four people who opened my newsletter have "liked" my page yet, but I did get two new people today.  Before  I left for the concert, I emailed everyone I met networking and offered the same deal.  Two people liked it...I think one actually created a facebook page for the first time, just to like my page!

Ok its after 3am now..and I have to go to a class tomorrow...all about extreme couponing.  I wrote a story about the class and I'm pretty sure I'm going to do a follow-up.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Think I Need a New Plan-making cold calls vs writing 3 articles a day for Hubpages

Hey if you are new here, let me know you stopped by with a comment below!

This has been a good week.  I did two more teeth whitenings and one of the health insurance policies I sold was approved.  So In a day I made about $600 for 3 hours of work.  If I could do that four times a week, I'd be getting somewhere!

I've hit a bit of a conundrum today.  I made a plan to sell insurance during the day, teeth whitening a few times a week, and write evenings and on weekends.  My schedule seems a bit different, I feel like I'm getting something done every day, but its not exactly in that order.

Insurance sales takes a lot of time.  My goal has been to make 40 calls and write 4 quotes per day.  I'm not really motivated to make the calls, but I've been averaging 2 quotes from 20 calls.  I found that when I actually keep track of the amount of dials I make, I can push a little longer..just get to the next set of ten..before I take a break.

It's been a little dangerous though because I forget that when someone actually answers the phone, it will take a little longer than when someone doesn't.  I was late for a movie date with my kids because I was trying to get to the next set of 10 before I left and someone picked up!

The problem in my schedule is that I didn't leave enough room for writing.  My phone calls are most productive between 7 and 9.  After which I need to run the quotes.  So writing is taking longer.

I found that I'm spending my day answering personal emails, studying new topics, or writing news articles for the examiner.  Part of my motivational trouble is that I recently discovered Hubpages.  After publishing just 2 hubs, I had already made $1.67.  That was more than I made publishing 20 articles for!

Another thing about Hubpages, is that it is chocked full of great writers who have really cool subjects.  I am spending a lot of time reading and commenting.  I already found several crafts I'd like to do with the kids and if I know my kids, they will want to list them on before they are even complete.

One of the hubs I've been reading lists a whole bunch of ways to earn extra money.  The very first one is to get a Hubpage, and I'm already a believer!  He says that if you publish 3 random but good quality hubs every day, you should be making about $18k your second year.  $18k is nothing to sneeze at, especially when it is doing something I love to do every day anyway!

I'm already writing that often in different venues, but it may be a challenge to write quality articles just for Hubpages and sell insurance and be a teeth whitener and volunteer and network.  I'll keep you posted and let you know how I did.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


My father always told me that it wasn't what you knew it was who you knew.  In the 5 years of teaching, I have met many parents, teachers, and others in education.I never felt like I really "knew" any of them.  In fact, only one has ever invited me to anything outside of the school.

In the 1 month I have spent networking, I have many many more wonderful people who are all very much like me!  I have attended four separate networking events or functions so far and some of the same people spill into each of the groups.  Each group has a very different format but all are centered around getting to know other business owners and finding out what they do.

The very first one I ever attended I found on facebook.  I searched facebook with my town's name.  I was primarily looking for other local businesses so we could share "likes" to our page.  One of the businesses pages was for a networking group.  There was no phone number, just a statement that said they met every Friday morning at a local hotel.

When I arrived my first time, a gentleman getting coffee heard me ask where the group met and offered to take me there.  I was a few minutes late, and they had already started.  It was a small conference room with a U shaped table and almost every chair filled.  I slipped into one in the back and watched everyone with wide eyes.

They had pulled a card from a hat and the lady it belonged to stood up.  She described her business and the room started flooding her with marketing ideas on how to gain more customers.  After words we all stood up one at a time and gave a 1 minute commercial. Finally, we passed our business cards around for people to collect with the idea they would pass them on to others who could use our services. The overall feeling from this group was warmth and lightheartedness.  I was hooked.

I brought my $30 advertising fee the very next week and met even more people at this meeting.  This time the leader gave us a 15 minute class on network marketing.  A week later someone gave us tips on effective branding.  This group is really my favorite.

By attending these functions, I found out about others.  I was invited to a chamber of commerce luncheon (free and yummy!) and found out about InHouston and Third Thursdays.  Now the chamber is something I believe is important, and so does my insurance mentor.  He said he will pay for me to join once I start producing (thats another story.) It cannot and won't be my only networking source.  There were lots and lots of insurance agents there!

InHouston was a refreshing event.  They have meetings all over the city and I went to one close to me.  No pressure, no cost (except for anything you order from the venue where it's held.) Business owners from all over came to meet other business owners, and all had a fabulous time.

Thursdays rock my world.  I have discovered that on various Thursdays, there is a free meal waiting for me near-by.  Here is how it works.  One or two business owners sponsors the meal (served buffet style) and in return we listen to them speak about their business for 20 minutes.  After they have had their say, we all get a 30 second commercial and door prizes are given.  I won a bottle of wine!

As an insurance agent, I now have lots of  local resources to share with my clients.  I can also tell my dad I know lots of people:)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Just before new years, I invested in a teeth whitening business.  I spent a couple of weeks asking various salons to allow me to whiten people's teeth in exchange for a percentage of my fees.  I also posted an ad on Craigslist.  I had a few takers from the Craigslist account right away but I had an entire month with no customers at all.  That's when I realized I needed to do something else as well.

I started reading books, investigating business opportunities and writing this blog.  Aside from reposting my ads on Craigslist, I haven't done anything to market the teeth whitening business.  Instead, I spent a lot of time and energy cleaning up the rarely used loft room of my house, converting it to my insurance office.

Although my attention and energy was with the insurance business, I started receiving calls for appointments with the teeth whitening.  Each appointment only takes about an hour so I don't mind leaving my office (and my home) to go into the "real world." It also doesn't hurt that even after paying a commission, I'm making about $60 an hour.

My favorite part about the teeth whitening business is that I get to meet new people.  They have already decided to purchase my service by the time I meet them, so I don't need to sell them anything.  I just help them get whiter teeth and learn a little bit about them.  The lady I met on Friday was pretty special.

She was 85 years old.  Some people have real trouble getting the cheek retractor into their mouth, but this lady was so anxious to have her teeth whiter, she had no trouble at all.  I could tell that she didn't like having to sit there for so long, but she knew what she wanted and didn't complain. 

Her friend told me that she had been a pastor's wife here in Houston for many years, that she was a published author and also a public speaker.  For the 45 minutes that she was in the health food store getting her teeth whitened, she was a brave lady relaxing in my chair.  Her teeth were 8 shades whiter when we were done, and her smile was huge.

My Yiyi passed away earlier this month, and this lovely lady reminded me of her.  I couldn't help but ask her for a hug before she left.  She gave me a wonderful hug and I left with warm fuzzies.  I'm not just a stuffy insurance sales person working from home.  On occasion (like tomorrow morning) I get to go out into the world and brighten people's smiles:)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Putting My Plan Together

The book I blogged about the other day really gave me permission to explore every angle that I want to explore.  I decided to go ahead and make a last Hail Mary attempt to make my primary source of income from the insurance industry. 

I've been busy putting together a twitter page, facebook page, and blog spot for my "new" business.  My coach has already talked to me one on one once and got me started with all of this homework.  Aside from getting all of my pages together, he has given me access to his quoting software (worth a bunch of money every month), given me a source for free database management, and gave me the name for much more cost effective errors and omissions insurance.

Still on my list of things to do is filling out the paper work for the new insurance carriers and setting up my home office. I'm typing all of these blogs from a 10" screen netbook so I've been scoping out a more grown-up style that I can work on for 8-10 hours a day.  I also purchased a headset to use with my magicjack for outgoing calls.  When it arrived today, I discovered it doesn't work on my netbook or on my cordless phone...I'll re-list it on Amazon.

Without guilt, I've been able to continue to explore the idea of becoming a coach.  I'm not sure how it will fit into my life just yet, but I've been very interested in attending the Fowler, Wainwright International Institute for Professional Coaching.  Because of I Can Do Anything If Only I Knew What it Was, I know that it's o.k. to maintain my interest in this field.

I had to giggle out loud when I listened to a webinar about becoming a coach.  One of the very first slides said "You don't need to have all the answers to be a great coach.  You just need great questions." Helllllllooooo? That was the ONLY thing that others told me I was good at...asking questions.  I am very excited to know that this career is out there. 

I an determined to make this insurance thing happen...and I am going to be a coach.  Maybe my niche will be coaching teachers about what kind of life they will have after teaching!!!!:)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thinking A Bit Clearer Now

I've been really frustrated trying to figure out what to do next.  When I first stopped teaching, I immediately picked up the phone and tried to make insurance sales.  I also signed with a group company so I could have someone local to help me.  My "help" wanted me to work in a phone bank 40 minutes away from my house, and it was difficult to make the drive.  I also found out very quickly that I really HATE cold calling.

I started to get some referrals from local property and casualty seeds I had planted earlier in the year, but when I tried to get help from my general agent for individual sales, no one would return my calls.  I felt stranded.  Even when I could hot leads, I didn't know how to efficiently work with them.  I was days away from giving up on the business when I saw something listed under one of the franchise ideas.

I went a little nuts last night debating whether or not I should continue in the business with this "new help."  Then I went more nuts trying to figure out why I was having so much trouble deciding what I wanted to do.  I've been working for 20 years now but I've got another 27 or so years left.  I was really beating myself up for being interested in so many areas and not having "one passion."

I picked up one of my books again, this one screamed my name from the clearance section of Half Price Books.  The title is I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was but it might as well have been called "Brenda, Read This!" I got to chapter 6 yesterday just as I was feeling bad about myself for not having any clear goals. The title of the chapter convinced me someone was sending me a message: "I Want Too Many Things; I'm All Over the Map"

It was this chapter that has really helped me take a breath and release my stress.  According to chapter 6, there is a reason I don't know what I want to be when i grow up.  I have a title! I'm what this author calls a scanner.  It's wonderful to have a title!  This new title of scanner even explains why (as I blogged yesterday) my aptitude test came out with no highs and lows. 

Smith and Sher describe me to a T on page 102: 
Scanners want to taste everything.  They love to learn about the structure of a flower, and they love to learn about the theory of music. And the adventures of travel.  And the tangle of politics.  To scanners, the universe is a treasure house full of a million works of art and life is hardly long enough to see them all. 

They go on to say:
If you're a scanner, you have extraordinarily special and valuable skills.  You love what is new, you don't suffer from fear and indecisiveness.  You're highly adaptable to new cultures you're so flexible you can turn on a dime.  You're a lightening-fast learner, curious about anything you don't already understand; you like and respect all kinds of thinking.  Although you may be unwilling to dedicate yourself to one path, you don't lack discipline or have a low IQ.  On the contrary, you're dedicated to learning all that you can, and you're intelligent enough to delight in all that you learn.
After they told me what I was, they told me how to deal.  The book had me list out ten "lives" and then place them into areas of my life.  I felt so good, I knew what to do!  I can still write and act, but my main source of income is going to be from educating people about insurance.

I signed up with my new general agent this afternoon.  I've already attended one web seminar and I'm going to work one on one with my general agent tomorrow afternoon.  I know I'll still be making some cold calls, but I also know its only one small part of my entire new life.  I'm sooo excited! 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Should I Sell Insurance?

Sometimes I feel like I'm tearing myself into too many pieces trying to figure out what to do next.  After three months of nothing, I'm starting to feel more rushed.  I'm ok financially but I was never one to enjoy the feeling of being in limbo.  This was one of the things I disliked the most about teaching.  The window to move to a new position or location was so small.  I only had about 6 weeks to find another position and move.

Now I've been "available" for three months and I still don't know which direction I want to go.  I've been reading several books that are designed to help me find that perfect career and many of them ask what I'm good at.  I remember several years back taking an aptitude test and the administrators were amazed.  They said that all of my results were at a mid-level.  A "normal" person would have peaks in some aptitude areas and lows in others.  I didn't have any lows...but I didn't have any highs either.

A couple of the books asked what others say I'm good at.  The only recurring thing I can think of is that through-out the years people have actually told me they like my questions.  I ask a lot of questions.  Sometimes I think I annoy sales people and other presenters but on several occasions I have been told that people really appreciate my questions.  I haven't yet figured out how to convert this knack into a source of income.

Last night I got the chills because I thought I'd finally figured it out.  Before I got sick, I was working toward my school counseling certification and prior to that I had considered a career as a professional counselor.  I decided not to attend anymore school (I'm still paying off $70k in student debt.)  Counselors definitely ask a lot of questions.  I'd already given up on counseling but something else fits what I've been doing every day.  I thought that maybe I could make use of all of the self-help books I've been reading and become a life-coach. 

I poked around and looked at some plans to become a coach, one of which was at the 48 days website.  I'm just not sure if I can handle the required marketing.  Today it went further into the back of my mind.  I'm nervous about it because I don't know if I could be successful.

Before I started this blog, I had looked at different business opportunities and crossed many of them out as I went along.  Debtaway seemed to take advantage of clients that don't have any money or sense about them.  Vending machines are definitely not my thing and I'm not convinced that an online store is going to make me a few thousand dollars just by being. 

Today I spoke to someone about coaching me one-on one about selling insurance. He wants a reasonable fee and will schedule time to work with me one on one.  He provides a website and a quoting system.  He also starts me off with some leads.

What I haven't mentioned yet is that back in April of last year, I got my life and health insurance license.  I spent hundreds of dollars on leads but I only submitted one policy and it was from a personal referral.  The money was definitely good for that one policy but I had real problems with marketing. I've been paying for errors and omission insurance and an affiliation membership but I haven't been making any money.  I considered giving up the insurance business, but today I was thinking about it pretty strongly. 

It seems like the fee this coach would charge (and reimburse as I made sales) would be worth it if I really want to be in the insurance business.  The problem is I don't know if it is what I want anymore.  Could it be that I've frozen my self so cold that I'm afraid to move?  Something just tells me that this would be a job and not something I would be passionate about.

Things I like about insurance:
  • I can work from home.
  • My work would be mostly from home.
  • There is money from residuals.
  • I'm already licensed and could start right away.
  • I'd be educating people.
  • I believe in the product and have a lot of knowledge about it.
  • I can work days, nights, or both.
  • I can incorporate my writing "hobby" into the marketing.
  • I can be licensed in more than one state at a time and I can work from anywhere in the world.

Wow, I think I may have talked myself into this.  Things that make me uneasy about it are:
  • It is selling a product.
  • It requires a license (something to fear losing).
  • There is a lot of competition.
  • I'm not sure how quickly I would "grow out of it."
I think the last one is the biggest.  Aside from not being successful, I'm worried that I might get tired of it in a couple of years and find myself writing a blog about life after insurance!  I'm going to dig a little deeper into these books, then sleep on the insurance idea.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Search

I found myself researching business ideas until 6am today!  Not a good way to keep on a "normal" schedule but I couldn't help myself because I found a free ebook that described so many different low cost business opportunities that I couldn't stop reading it.  It is on the sticky note to the right of the resource page.  Some of his ideas were really zaney (renting plants) and others (massage therapy) required a license that I don't have.  Still, I kept reading all 80+ pages because it was better than anything else I had read in the three months I've been out of work.

  I've been selling off my educational books on Amazon and I absolutely love waking up to new sales! The free e-book listed some places where I could get discounted close-out books.  I checked into them, but I need to be the most competitive on Amazon in order to make the sales.  The best source I found required an investment of $7500 as a minimum.  I haven't given up on the idea but I'm going to have to find another way to make  that kind of money before I try an investment like that.

At the back of the book there were two more websites with even more ideas.  I couldn't get through all of it last night so I woke up to look at

The website listed a re-sale opportunity I hadn't thought of yet.  Wedding dresses!   I decided to actually make an investment today and try to buy something to re-sell.  I went to my favorite thrift store looking for some wedding dresses.  No white gowns today but I spent $5 on  3 party dresses and 2 pairs of pants.  If I get $5 for each item, I will have made 500%.  I'm starting small but hoping I can get a feel for what will sell quickly and grow from there.

Well off to work!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Background Story-is there life after teaching?

My biggest fear when I started teaching (and through my entire 17 year career) wasn't that a child would vomit on me or the principal would spend half a day in my class.  My worst fear from the very start was losing the wonderful career I had and not being able to teach.  I loved my work so much that I regularly feared the situation I now find myself in.  What would happen if I couldn't teach?

Anytime you type "former teacher" into the search engine, you come up with stories of teachers accused of misconduct (ok gross misconduct) and their life is forever changed.  The interesting thing is, all of the stories begin with "accused of" and that is all it takes.  I knew from the time I took my first position (opened in the middle of the year because the teacher was arrested for having relations with a high school student) that my career could be over at the mere accusation of a student, parent, or co-worker who didn't want me around.

This is a lot of stress to carry with you when you enjoy what you are doing so much.  Not only did I need to fear the actions of others, but I consistently needed to self audit my language and actions anywhere I would be seen.  The termination of a teacher holding beer steins in various countries on a Facebook page only added to the sometimes over-whelming fear that something could get in the way of me and my wonderful title of "teacher."

Perhaps in future posts, I can describe the various places I taught which included prek-university with the exclusion of k,6th,9th and 10th.  For now I'll just describe the reason I find myself looking for a life after teaching.

I found myself full-circle in a position of my dreams this year.  I was hired to run the preschool program that was operated by juniors and seniors.  I was to instruct the high school teachers and they instructed the prek students.  I loved everything about this position and was doing a pretty good job despite a few "bumps in the road."  Then the unexpected happened: I became ill. 

My worst fear came true, but not because of anyone accusing me of anything.  I can no longer teach because my body won't let me. 

So begins my life after teaching.  I'm 3 months into my life now and I still have not figured out exactly what comes next. If there is anyone out there who has already made this type of transition, I'd love to hear from you!